Welcome! If you’re new to us,”Nice to meet you. Come along and discover who we are!” If you know us from Instagram, “Hi! Nice to see you here.”

I’m Katrina. I’m the mother of two ausome littles named Josiah and Naiyah. We are living life in our little part of California and navigating all things related to autism. This blog is to share our experiences with autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, executive functioning while navigating the worlds of homeschooling and entertainment.

The signs of autism can be different for everyone. There were only two signs that made me suspect autism in Josiah; sound sensitivity and a speech delay. His pediatrician told me that there was zero chance he was on the spectrum. Niayah on the other hand has displayed so many signs since birth. IF you suspect your child might be on the spectrum, trust your instincts and advocate until someone listens and does a formal evaluation. Early intervention sets your child up for better successes down the road. Josiah was diagnosed at 2 1/2 and I am in the process of obtaining an official diagnosis for Naiyah. The road has been long and never dull but there is no stone that will go unturned to get my babies the supports they need.

When we aren’t advocating for awareness, acceptance, inclusion and understanding we are living life to the fullest. You will find us at Disneyland, Walt Disney World, on a cruise(Disney or Royal Caribbean) or doing local attractions in between homeschooling, acting jobs and appointments. We live a busy and fulfilled life and wouldn’t have it any other way!

Are you interested in some or all of these topics? Yes? Follow along on our journey. You can follow us at @josiahsworld316, @Naiyahsworld620, and @4myroyal2 on Instagram for daily life content and plenty of silliness.

Josiah has very exciting things coming and we want you to be one of the first to hear about it. I’m in the early stages of a project specifically for single parents of special needs children and Naiyah is getting ready to start her homeschooling and modeling journeys.

If you know someone with autism consider buying our books, “Josiah’s Ausome Adventures: My Autism” and ” Josiah and Naiyah’s World: Sensory Processing Disorder” where you like to buy your books.